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Integrative vibrational therapy

"All life is vibration"

Himalayan singing bowls have been used for centuries by buddhist monks for ceremonies, healing and medidation purposes.


Sound restores harmony and brings about relaxation on a physical, emotional, mental and energetic level. Sounds from the Himalayan singing bowls entrain your brain to move into a sleeplike state, a state of deep relaxation where self healing takes place. 


Our body is made up of mainly water. Water is a conductor for vibration. Two thirds of our body's water is within the cells. All cells are in constant communication with each other; when we feel dis-ease, our cells are vibrating "out of tune". Vibrations created when tapping the bowls, enter the body, harmonise and energise our cells, calm the nervous system, activates the body's self-healing mechanism and releases blocked energy. 


The Himalayan singing bowls are made from 7 metals, mainly copper and tin which refer to "Love" and "Wisdom". The body is more intelligent than our mind, therefore, deep relaxation allows for the body to do its work without mental interference. 


Benefits of vibrational therapy:


  • promotes deep relaxation

  • reduces stress and anxiety

  • aids the immune system

  • improves circulation and blood flow

  • activates self-healing

  • relieves joint and muscle pain, lower back pain, headache, digestive disorders, PMS, fatigue, emotional and physical imbalances 

  • lowers blood pressure

  • elimination of toxins

  • promotes balance and harmony



A session is 90 minutes. The recipient lies fully clothed on a treatment table. Bowls are placed directly onto or next to your body.

Shorter sessions available for specific treatments.


Stress Reduction, Hand & Foot reflex zones, Emotional Detox (anger, depression, frustration), Physical ailments (joint pain, neck/shoulder tension, lower backpain, digestive disorder), Cellular Toxins Cleansing, Overcoming addiction, Chakra Balancing






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